
Buchstabensteine mit Schriftzug You can do it

Katrin is ambitious, clever and takes negotiating to a new level. She has an incredible talent of managing multiple projects simultaneously. Her unique talent of combining strong management skills with equal parts creativity is clearly very successful. In addition she is a strategic sounding board for an array of people and projects.

– Linn Arledal, co-founder and CEO Hyperion Growth

Wand mit blauem Loch aus Backstein

As well as being a brilliant Marketer, Katrin is an inspiring, thoughtful leader and a great wing woman. I was always impressed by how quickly she understood problems and found solutions or spotted opportunities.“

– Lou Goodman, VP Marketing Monster Worldwide Inc.

Letterboard mit Text "Think outside the box"

I value her ability to combine analytical thinking with creativity and excellent project management regarding external and internal communication strategy. Especially in challenging times she proofed to be a decision maker and quick thinker. She is always open to receive feedback and give it. She is not shy to speak her mind and from a company perspective this was often helpful to stier projects into the right direction.“

– Marc Irmisch-Petit, CEO Macromedia University

Absperrungsbarken an Straße

„Ich habe Katrin v.a. als durchsetzungsstarke Projektleiterin für Kommunikation und Marketing kennengelernt. Ihr war immer wichtig, sich auch mal aus der Komfortzone herauszubewegen, wenn es gut für die Zielgruppe war. Dabei hat sie das Projektteam immer voll unterstützt und auch den einen oder anderen Blocker elegant aus dem Weg geräumt.

– Jan-Eric Feldhaus, Senior Marketing Manager GROFA - House of Brands

It's what people hear.


It's not what you say.

It's what people hear. • Vision • It's not what you say. •